dr hab. inż. arch. Marcin Michał Brzezicki

Adres e-mail marcin.brzezicki@pwr.edu.pl
Dyscypliny naukowe

Architektura i Urbanistyka

Strona domowa https://wa.pwr.edu.pl/pracownicy/marcin-brzezicki
Profile naukowe



Google Scholar

Tematyki badawcze

Teoria przezroczystości w architekturze.
Zastosowania szkła, podwójne fasady - badania formalne.
Projektowanie architektury przemysłowej - hale, inkubatory, lekka obudowa.
Badania rozkładu światła dziennego we wszelkich typach budynków.
Symulacje światła Radiance, Ladybug Grasshopper.
Innowacje w pedagogice dla studentów architektury, program Mistrzowie Dydaktyki


Marcin Brzezicki, Ph.D. (1972) is an architect and tutor at the Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland. After receiving his doctorate in 200, he became an associate professor in the Faculty of Architecture at his alma mater. His scientific interest was focused on the perception of transparency in architecture, including his monograph entitled Perception of transparency in contemporary architecture: visual and cognitive aspects. After successful application for tenure in early 2015, his interest was broadened to general issues of façade/architectural envelope morphology and aesthetics. In 2015 he joined COST TU 1403 Adaptive Façade Network. Marcin Brzezicki participates in international conferences on the subject of transparency and façade morphology.


I developed my passion for teaching at the university during my PhD studies, back in the year 2000 during my internship at the Faculty of Architecture at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Working with a team of experienced academic teachers and researchers allowed me to get beginning-level experience in teaching. Over time, my teaching experience increased, I taught more different design courses, and over time I expanded my expertise to include teaching elective courses and then full-year lectures to groups of 200+ people. With the growth and internationalization of our University, I began teaching and lecturing architectural design in English. Since 2005 I have been a supervisor of master theses at the bachelor and master levels.

The turning point for my career as an academic teacher was my participation in the program “Masters of Didactics”, in April 2019. During the study visit at UGent, I have learned the latest, hi-end methods and tools for teaching. It was a career-changing experience that has impacted the way I teach, the way I manage student-tutor relationships and the way I organize teaching resources. In May 2019 I have participated in the “Moodle-platform” course at my home University and developed skills that are necessary for the management of the platform.
In my relationship with the students, I rely on trust, equality and professionalism. The most effective learning occurs when the student is fully engaged in the process, taking personal responsibility for being focused, prepared, present, and, in a group setting, communicative with the other group members. I also believe that knowledge transfer occurs both ways: I am keen to transfer what I know to the student, while I also learn a lot from them. In the context of architectural curricula, I try to encourage students to provide the most accurate solution, to the design problem they have been faced with.

In the context of architectural design, I consider myself as an assistant helping students to achieve their goals. There is a strict set of rules (regulations and structure), but also a vast room for freedom and creativity. I believe it is important for students to develop a personal, intuitive understanding of the relationship between the elements of architecture, also including some expertise in the area of building technology and detailing.

During the covid pandemic, the way architectural design was taught changed a lot. Direct contact between student and tutor was replaced by online contact, making instruction very difficult. In dealing with this difficult situation, I drew on my previous experience of online methods of teaching. Those skills were subsequently used and further developed during the next semesters of lock-down when education in Poland switched totally to the remote learning mode.

I am a motivated and ambitious researcher with a strong interest in improving my skills. I am a passionate and enthusiastic academic teacher with a genuine love of his subject and a drive to help students succeed.

Słowa kluczowe

szkło w architekturze

fasady adaptowalne

symulacja światła dziennego

Email address marcin.brzezicki@pwr.edu.pl
Scientific disciplines

Architecture and urban planning

Personal website https://wa.pwr.edu.pl/pracownicy/marcin-brzezicki
Research profiles



Google Scholar

Research topics

Transparency theory in architecture.
Glass applications, double facades - formal studies.
Design of industrial architecture - halls, incubators, lightweight cladding.
Studies of daylight distribution in all types of buildings.
Radiance light simulations, Ladybug Grasshopper.
Innovations in pedagogy for architecture students, program Masters of Didactics.

Marcin Brzezicki, Ph.D. (1972) is an architect and tutor at the Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland. After receiving his doctorate in 200, he became an associate professor in the Faculty of Architecture at his alma mater. His scientific interest was focused on the perception of transparency in architecture, including his monograph entitled Perception of transparency in contemporary architecture: visual and cognitive aspects. After successful application for tenure in early 2015, his interest was broadened to general issues of façade/architectural envelope morphology and aesthetics. In 2015 he joined COST TU 1403 Adaptive Façade Network. Marcin Brzezicki participates in international conferences on the subject of transparency and façade morphology.


I developed my passion for teaching at the university during my PhD studies, back in the year 2000 during my internship at the Faculty of Architecture at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Working with a team of experienced academic teachers and researchers allowed me to get beginning-level experience in teaching. Over time, my teaching experience increased, I taught more different design courses, and over time I expanded my expertise to include teaching elective courses and then full-year lectures to groups of 200+ people. With the growth and internationalization of our University, I began teaching and lecturing architectural design in English. Since 2005 I have been a supervisor of master theses at the bachelor and master levels.

The turning point for my career as an academic teacher was my participation in the program “Masters of Didactics”, in April 2019. During the study visit at UGent, I have learned the latest, hi-end methods and tools for teaching. It was a career-changing experience that has impacted the way I teach, the way I manage student-tutor relationships and the way I organize teaching resources. In May 2019 I have participated in the “Moodle-platform” course at my home University and developed skills that are necessary for the management of the platform.
In my relationship with the students, I rely on trust, equality and professionalism. The most effective learning occurs when the student is fully engaged in the process, taking personal responsibility for being focused, prepared, present, and, in a group setting, communicative with the other group members. I also believe that knowledge transfer occurs both ways: I am keen to transfer what I know to the student, while I also learn a lot from them. In the context of architectural curricula, I try to encourage students to provide the most accurate solution, to the design problem they have been faced with.

In the context of architectural design, I consider myself as an assistant helping students to achieve their goals. There is a strict set of rules (regulations and structure), but also a vast room for freedom and creativity. I believe it is important for students to develop a personal, intuitive understanding of the relationship between the elements of architecture, also including some expertise in the area of building technology and detailing.

During the covid pandemic, the way architectural design was taught changed a lot. Direct contact between student and tutor was replaced by online contact, making instruction very difficult. In dealing with this difficult situation, I drew on my previous experience of online methods of teaching. Those skills were subsequently used and further developed during the next semesters of lock-down when education in Poland switched totally to the remote learning mode.

I am a motivated and ambitious researcher with a strong interest in improving my skills. I am a passionate and enthusiastic academic teacher with a genuine love of his subject and a drive to help students succeed.


adaptive facade

daylight simulation

facade design